A Century Of Innovation

Posted by Larry in

Have you noticed that many things tend to improve with time and innovation.  I was watching a show the other day and a military officer was using a walkie-talkie that was about the size of a shoe box and it reminded me that there are always people trying to improve the world around us.  People are continually seeking to invent products or create systems that will move us faster, help us communicate better, make things smaller and more portable, and the list goes on. 

All this got me to thinking…  What would I consider to be the greatest innovation of my lifetime? 

The list is so extensive it’s hard  to choose from.  E-mail, the cell phone, internet, personal computers, etc… After much deliberation I came to following conclusion. 

Please scroll down.




















What can I say?  You have your opinion and I have mine.  What would you choose?

I hope you have a great weekend with your family.  I hope you laugh a lot. I hope you take time to stop and look at the world around you.  I hope you appreciate the simple things in life.


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Masculine Qualities I Want My Son To Have

Posted by Larry in

The idea of masculinity is going by the wayside in our culture today.  Our society is doing everything that it can to morph men into something all together different than God originally intended.  We celebrate the young boy that sits passively in his seat, follows instruction and obeys without disruption.   We scorn the young man that has enough chivalry to say yes mam and hold the door open for a young lady because it is said to be condescending to her “independence.”  We are even performing surgeries for men who claim that there has been some sort of mistake made by God.  They claim that they are a “woman trapped in a man’s body” so we allow them to undergo a sex change.

In light of what I see going on in the world around me I have been reflecting on the values that I want to pass onto my son who is now 9 years old.  I have assembled below some masculine qualities that I want my son to have.

I picture myself standing before my son much like a king would stand before a man who is about to become a knight to remind him of the responsibility he has.  I imagine that I would say something like this:

My son, you are charged to honor God.  As a man, you are to walk in purity and live in such a way that it is obvious to those around you that God alone possesses your heart.  You are created differently than your female counterparts and will be expected to act accordingly.  It is an honor to wear the mantle of manhood and pursue God’s divine plan for your life.  Your journey will be unique; it will be an adventure; it will be difficult; it will require discipline and sacrifice; yet, it will have its reward when you have lived this life and you stand in eternity.

As a man…

  1. You are a protector.  It is your duty to defend women, children, and all other members of our society that would be exploited.  It is also your duty to defend our land from both domestic and foreign enemies.
  2. You are to honor the purity of young ladies. 
  3. You are to work hard and earn you own way in life.
  4. You are not to engage in sexual relationships with other men.
  5. You are to be the spiritual leader of your home.  You alone will carry the burden to center your family around God’s Word.
  6. Do not let your decisions be determined by fear.  Show courage in the face of intimidation.

Now take up your cross and follow Christ.

Raising children in our day and time presents its own unique obstacles.  Our society is changing everyday.  Apart from the character values every person should have these are the things that I think are particularly relevant to raising a young boy in our world today.

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3 Keys To Healthy Relationships

Posted by Larry in

skeleton_key5640041_std.jpg key image by adiamntintheskyI read an article by H.B. London Jr., who serves as the Vice-President of Pastoral Ministries at Focus on the Family that was entitled Maintaining Positive Staff Relations. The article majored on three key points that I think are universally beneficial in all relationships not just those working together as a church staff.  I am certain that he would agree.  Therefore, I want to give you my thoughts on these 3 keys to healthy relationships.

One of the fastest ways to create a distant feeling in any relationship is to eliminate communication.  Communication is the aspect of a relationship that allows us to know one another and to be concerned about what is going on in each other’s lives.  It helps us to know what things are going on around us that effect us, how we feel about those things, and affords us the opportunity to show concern and compassion.  Who knows, we might even be able to offer a helping hand.

In addition to creating an emotional connection it helps us to be informed about what is going on.  Decisions can be made together, plans can be discussed, issues can be dealt with, etc… Tension only increases when individuals and groups do not have the opportunity to discuss the things that are important to them.

Disagreements and disappointment occur in any relationship when there are unmet expectations.  This is the key elements to discuss in any relationship when there is time for communication.  Whether it is a dating relationship, marriage, co-workers, or a sports team, everyone needs to know what is expected of them so that they can decide for themselves whether or not this is a healthy relationship for them to be in.  If expectations are not clearly communicated there can be no realistic way to evaluate another’s intentions or performance.  Any two people will see things differently, and the more people you add to the equation the more complex it becomes.  So the more people that are involved the more critical it becomes to have clearly communicated expectations.

Any relationship is concreted by the willingness of the participants to seek one another’s best interest over the long haul.  Loyalty is not about staying even if you don’t want to.  It is centered around thinking highly of someone and communicating that to them and others by what we say and do.  If we publicly or privately criticize those that we are supposed to be in relationship with our loyalty to that relationship is in jeopardy and we need to get to the root of the issue through some much needed communication.


Good relationships are critical to our having a meaningful and satisfying life.  I hope this helps you put some things in perspective for you.

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What Is Wrong Here?

Posted by Larry in

A picture named heh.jpg

Take a look at the picture to the left.  How often do you notice these persons around you?  Individuals and families that just don’t comprehend the obvious.

If at this point you are wondering what I am talking about then I am speaking to you today.  Keep looking at the photo.  Go get some help if you need to.

Today is a good day to take a step back and look at the choices that you are making.  How would you react if you saw someone else making the same choices?  Perhaps you need someone from the outside to look in. 

Maybe someone is looking at your life, your family, your choices, and they are thinking the same thing that all of us are thinking about the man in the photo.


What are the obvious choices that you should be making today?

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The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry Opens In Theaters Today

Posted by Larry in

The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry Home Page Banner

The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry is opening in theaters around the country today.  I encourage you to go see it and take your children.  This movie is an inspirational film for all ages from eight to eighty.  This picture clearly communicates the importance of a life lived according to God’s Word and does a beautiful job of capturing the relationship between an elderly man and three young boys.  Much like the relationship between a grandfather and grandchild.  You won’t want to miss this film.

This is an independent movie and may not be available in your area.  [click here] To see if this movie is playing in a theater near you.  You can watch the movie clip below.


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Are You Looking For A New Job

Posted by Larry in

I know today is Friday and many of you will be posting on your facebook, “So glad the weekend is here.”  I want to encourage you to be thankful for your job today.  In our economy many hard working men and women have lost their means of employment.  Some had been at their job for decades.

If your job does not afford you the opportunity to play to your strengths then you should begin making steps today to allow yourself that freedom.  Take matters into your own hands.  Don’t sit around and complain about being stuck in a dead end, underpaid, thankless job.

After all, you are on the job more than you are anywhere else.  More than with family, friends, and hobbies.  You should be doing something that allows you to express who you are and brings you a sense of fulfillment.  Small steps today can bring a better future for you and your family (this doesn’t necessarily mean money—money does not always equal fulfillment).

Whatever your job is today, it surely isn’t as bad as the gentleman in the picture below.  Have a great day!


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10 Things You Can Do For Your Neighbor

Posted by Larry in

Yesterday, I told you that I was going to give you some things that you could do for your neighbor that cost less than $20.  Well I did better than that.  Here are 10 things that you can do for your neighbor that will cost you less than $5 and doesn’t require any special skills or training:

  1. Mow the lawn
  2. Clean the gutters
  3. Rake the leaves (and bag them)
  4. Wash their car
  5. Shovel snow from the sidewalk and driveway
  6. Take their dog for a walk
  7. Bake them some cookies
  8. Dog sit (or cat, turtle, rabbit, etc…) while they are on vacation
  9. Invite them over for dinner
  10. Help them carry the groceries in

I am sure that you could think of a lot more things to add to this list.  It really does take very little money and effort on our part to live a life of significance.  I hope you can put this list to good use.


What can you do for your neighbor today?

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The Arena of Life

Posted by Larry in

Quote by Teddy Roosevelt
It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.  The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly…who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never known neither victory nor defeat.

There is something about the above quote by Teddy Roosevelt that makes me want to go pick a fight with the world around me.  To mix it up a little.  To try something new, no not new, BOLD.  To be different, to be outspoken, to speak up just to see how people react, or to just say, “I’m moving on to something new!”

How often do we forget that it is a noble thing to try something new?  That it is honorable to give your life to charitable causes?  That it is bravery that compels us to do what others fear?  That it takes great character to formulate you own opinions and live your own convictions?

We forget because too many of us live among the peasants.  We live among those that have settled for what they have been given in life.  They would like to have better, but they can’t see themselves beyond their own anticipated failure.  Because that fear of failure or the cry of the critic holds on with so much power that they cannot see their God given potential.

I know it is scary to think about getting hurt or facing failure, but really, what do you have to lose?  A little pride or some dignity?  Just remember that the lessons we remember the most are the ones that come through failure and adversity.  Do something BOLD today!  Start making plans for a new future, a better marriage, or a more enjoyable work environment.

Victory only comes to those who compete.

What have you been contemplating doing that you have pushed aside because of fear or criticism?

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Big Results With Little Money And No Professional Training

Posted by Larry in

Have you ever made one of the following statements about your family, church, or occupation?

  • “We just don’t have enough money for that.”
  • “How are we going to pay for it?”
  • “We will have to spend a lot of money to do it right.”

I have to agree that in some cases, “you get what you pay for!”  But in other cases there is room to have big impact with little cost.  You may have to work a little harder, be more creative, or learn some things that are new to you, but if you put forth the effort you can achieve much with little.

A couple of years ago I tried to put in ceramic floor in our kitchen.  It looked great for the first few days and then the tiles started to crack.  I realized then that there was a skill to this work that I did not possess.  Thus, I will never be putting down ceramic tile in my house again. 

Now on the other hand, there are some things that I have learned to do over the years that have contributed to making our home more appealing to my wife.  Take the light in our bedroom.  It is a chandelier style light that hangs from the ceiling.  It took a while to read through the directions (yes, I did read the directions) but I was able to figure out everything that I needed to know to complete the project successfully.  I admit that it took me much longer than it would someone who had experience in such matters, but this was my very first attempt at installing a new light fixture.

It is important for us to recognize those things in every area of our life that require a special skill set to accomplish and those things that can be learned so that we do not need a professional and allow us to make a contribution without regard to how much money I have.

Here’s what it might look like for my home:

I cannot put down ceramic tile, but I can but down peel and stick vinyl tile.

I cannot remodel my home, but I can put on a fresh coat of paint.

I cannot completely rewire my house, but I can put up a new light fixture or replace a bad switch.

Here’s what it might look like with my friends:

I cannot fix Joe’s marital difficulties, but I can go to the game with him (and perhaps pay his way).

I cannot mend Sue’s broken arm, but I can take her a meal that I prepared so she doesn’t have to worry about trying to cook.

Here’s what it might look like in your church:

I cannot force Sally’s parents to come to church, but I can take the time to talk with her when she shows up.

I cannot afford to buy Bruce a new car, but I can stop by and pick him up for church.

These are just a few areas where we can have a huge impact with little money and no professional training.  We should quit looking for “white collar” answers and start doing “blue collar work.”

What is it that you can do today in spite of your financial situation and lack of professional training that will help improve your situation or someone else’s?

Tomorrow I will give you 10 things that you can do for your neighbor that you can do for under $20 and will require no special skills or training.

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Kiddo Days

Posted by Larry in

Abigail and her Daddy had been in the habit of spending some Fridays together. Friday was her Father’s day off so he kept her out of preschool and they would spend the whole day together. Abigail began to call these days “Kiddo Days.” Her Dad would often say to her, “It’s just you and me Kiddo,” as they would begin each of these adventurous days. Over time “Kiddo Days” became a natural way for her to express her anticipation for these times together.

Lunch was always on the menu for Kiddo Days, and on this particular day, Abigail expressed her desire to eat at a certain restaurant. Her Dad wasn’t real crazy about going to eat there so he tried to give her a few other options to choose from with no success. It seemed that little Abigail was insistent upon eating at this particular restaurant and it didn’t take long for her to become exasperated with the conversation.

She finally stopped and said, “Daddy, if you want Kiddo Days to be any fun I have to have some input too.”

That story always hits me like a ton of bricks. It seems very easy for me to interactive with the world around me and expect everything and everyone to be on my schedule and in agreement with my preferences. Well as easy as it is for me to begin a day with those expectations, it is equally as foolish. Especially if I want others to enjoy spending time with me.

Where can you make concessions today and allow others to have some input into the time you are spending with them?

Allowing them to have an equal say will increase the chance of a good experience for everyone.

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Sit Down And Shut Up…

Posted by Larry in

I read this quote on a sign the other day, “To make a long story short, don’t tell it.”

I guess the sign did what it was supposed to because I began to think about all of the things that I wish I had never said.  Like the time when my wife asked me how her homemade macaroni tasted and I said, “It doesn’t taste much different than what comes in the box.”

Now the sign was probably referring to those times when we are about to engage in some type of gossip and share details about someone else’s life that are none of our business.  In either case, it reminds me that we should always consider our words carefully.  Sometimes we say things that hurt others because we don’t take time to think about what we are saying and other times we hurt someone by sharing things that we had no business repeating.

Can you remember something that you said that you wish you had taken more time to think about before you said it?

How about not letting today be one of those days!

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Why Would I Want To Read Fearless by Max Lucado

Posted by Larry in

It seems that every time we turn on the television, pick up the newspaper, or visit our favorite news forum online we are bombarded with all the things in life we should fear.  Perhaps you find yourself living under this perpetuated umbrella of “terror.” 

If so, it’s not new to our generation.  Each generation has its own unique opportunities to wrestle with.  But we all have to ask ourselves, “Is this a healthy way to live?”

This is the question that Max Lucado answers for us in his new book Fearless.  Max not only answers this question but also gives a compelling view of what our lives could be if we were to rise above this doom and gloom mentality and learn to live by faith in something, or rather someone, far greater than our daily doses of despair.

If you are a parent that is fearful of what kind of child you will raise, you need to read this book.

If you are unemployed and you are fearful of the future, you need to read this book.

If your daily choices are affected by worry and unpredictable outcomes, you need to read this book.

If you are responsible for communicating God’s truth, you need to read this book.

Max Lucado is one of my favorite authors and he has hit a home run with Fearless.  I encourage you to pick up a copy today.  Your outlook on life will greatly benefit for having done so.



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What Is The Golden Rule?

Posted by Larry in

I am sure you have had someone in your life tell you to follow “the golden rule.”  Today I wonder if we are teaching our children and modeling the simple practice of following the “golden rule.”

Do you even know what the “golden rule” is?  If not, let me share it with you.


I dare say that if all of us would follow just this one simple task our lives and our world would be a much different place.  Just think about it for a minute if you would.  If you acted impulsively and responded harshly to someone wouldn’t you want to receive forgiveness?  If you were sick, wouldn’t you want someone to help take care of you?  If you were poor, wouldn’t you want someone to help feed your children?  If you were lonely, wouldn’t you want someone to be your friend?

I guess it is easy to know what we would want if we were in those situations and hope that we receive it, but it seems a much greater task to see others in those situations and be motivated to give them what we would want if we were in their shoes.  I guess that is probably because most of the time our favorite person to think about is “me.”  Can you relate to that?

Have you ever had someone act impulsively and respond harshly to you and you carry a grudge and say “he had know business talking to ‘me’ that way?”

Have you ever had a friend or a neighbor that is sick and you say, “ ‘I’ am working late today, ‘I’ don’t have time to stop by?”

Have you ever know someone to be poor and without food, only to say, “ ‘I’ just can’t afford to help and then go out and spend $40 on a date or $300 for an i-pod?'”

Have you ever been around someone who was always alone.  For whatever reason they couldn’t make friends and you found yourself saying, “She is just too much for ‘me’ to handle.  She wears ‘me’ out.”

Here’s a thought… What if we started putting ourselves in others shoes and responding to them the way that we would want them to respond to us, if the roles were reversed?

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Good Advice- Start Solving Problems

Posted by Larry in

Today I was looking at my Google Analytics page to see what kind of traffic this blog was getting.  As I looked over the numbers I got a little discouraged.  The past three days have been way down!  So I started reading through some material on how to increase blog traffic in hopes of helping a little.

That’s when it occurred to me… I am not writing this blog just so lots of people will read it.  I am writing this blog so that I can help those that do read it.  Now it would be great if 100,000 people read my blog (well it would be great if 100 people read this blog) but that is not why I am writing.

I have found that as I read through much of the material published on attracting blog traffic that it really doesn’t line up with why I want readers.  It seems that the end game for many people seeking the same information is too know how to turn a quick profit.  Not the case for me.  But the one great tid-bit of info that I believe I discovered was the advice to “Start Solving Problems.”

Not so much that I am going to solve anything for you today, but encourage you to start doing that for someone else.  Also, to lead your church in doing that for your community.  Why sit around and get discouraged about not having any friends or low attendance showing up on Sunday mornings when there are ways to change all of that?  Just remember that it is not about the number of friends or visitors that can be obtained.  Good deeds always attract people.

I needed this advice today to help me realize where my priorities are.  I am writing a blog to help others see things a little differently and hopefully have a God-centered view of life.  That type of influence must be earned.  I am not telling someone how to play games, fix their pc, or repair a bike.  I am asking people to view themselves and the world around them through God’s eyes.  That is more relational than informational.


What is some good advice that you have gotten lately?  Or a nugget of truth that changed how you think?

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Free Audio Bible (New Testament)- God’s Word Heard

Posted by Larry

God's Word Heard
In the midst of our busy lives, it can often be difficult to find the time to get into the Word. Now, whether you're driving your car or working at your computer, you can listen to the New Testament and let its message speak to your heart wherever you are! Read by Emmy award-winning narrator Stephen Johnston.
"GOD'S WORD is an easy-to-understand Bible...It is a wonderful version." - Rev. Billy Graham

A Note From Christian Audio
There is no more important book to read than the Bible and there is no better audiobook to listen to than God's word! In Paul's second letter to his protégé Timothy, we are reminded that all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training for righteousness.

For the month of September, Baker Publishing Group has graciously allowed us to give away the New Testament audio version of GOD'S WORD Translation (GW), skillfully narrated by Emmy award-winner Stephen Johnston. It is an ideal listening Bible due to the clear and natural use of the modern English language.

christianaudio has formatted this free download in the popular MP3 & WMA formats so you can easily listen to it on your computer, put it on your iPod, burn to CD, or use in a variety of other devices. In addition, we have also provided the download in a tracked-by-chapter, bookmarkable M4B format as well; compatible with iTunes, the iPod, and QuickTime.

If you would like more information about the translation philosophy behind GW, or if you'd like to download full-length book excerpts of Psalms, John, or Romans, please click here. You can also find the print version on Amazon!
Down Load Now - Click Here

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Discount Price for September: $0.00
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