For the past couple of months I have enjoyed writing for this blog. It has helped me begin to refine my writing skills and allowed me to have a broader voice in the world around me. I have been amazed each day to review the analytics for my blog to discover that it has been viewed by people all around the world. We truly do live in a global community.
I have also enjoyed serving in full time ministry as a youth pastor for the past five years. This calling on my life has helped me become more of the person that God has called me to be. I have walked hand in hand with teenagers that have lost brothers and sisters, made the transition into college, accepted calls into ministry, and much more. I find it very humbling that so many teenagers have allowed me to influence their lives over the years.
Most of my life I have enjoyed the friendship of my friend Tom Wise. It seems very ironic that we both serve as youth pastors so close to where we grew up together. However, I have come to realize that there is no such thing as coincidence in God’s plans. Over the years his friendship has challenged me to be a better person and helped me to not take life so seriously. I am blessed to have him as a friend.
These past few years have brought many changes into my life and many new people. One of those persons is Todd Morris. Over the past few years he has quickly become a life long friend. Much like Tom he has helped me become a better person and challenged be to strive towards things I did not think I could accomplish. His confidence in me has given me the courage to try new things and helped me feel comfortable in being myself. I am a better man for having him as my friend.
You may wonder at this point why any of that matters. Well, for you it matters very little, but for me these factors are working together once again to change the direction of my life. Unfortunately this will be the last blog post you read from me on this site for a while. But it will not be the last you hear from me unless you choose to have it that way.
I am excited to announce that I am partnering with Tom Wise and Todd Morris to launch a new site. Once the new site is up and running I will be writing in a blog format once again. This new site will be focused on helping people of all ages and all walks of life explore the mysteries of God. I hope that all of you that are subscribers here at this blog will continue to read on the new blog. The blog content will be much the same but it will be incorporated into a much larger web-site. I look forward to an ongoing dialogue with you.
The current question on my Facebook status is “Do you know what God desires for you life?” This is the question that we hope to help individuals answer on the new site. As well as provide resources to parents and youth workers that will help create environments in the home and church to accomplish this same task.
I hope that this new site will only take a couple of months to get up and running. I look forward to writing once again.